Launch of Smart Docklands

The Dublin Docklands has unique potential as a Smart City District.

Over 40,000 people work in this thriving business district and it is home to 26,000 thousand residents. There is a high concentration of new buildings and a wide range of connectivity, transport modes, and ‘smart’ assets, which provide a unique platform for SMEs and entrepreneurs to develop new and innovative solutions. It is also home to many of the world’s leading global technology companies, who are ready and eager to make use of a world-class testbed in their backyard.

Recognising the suitability of the Docklands as a Smart City Technology testbed, Dublin City Council (DCC) and Trinity College’s ‘CONNECT’ Centre spearheaded the creation of the ‘Smart Docklands’ initiative. With a focus on collaboration and a diverse range of partners, the Smart Docklands team play an independent broker role between the city, the innovators and the universities. They also facilitate the deployment of prototypes of these solutions, ensuring that projects receive any assistance they may need from DCC.

Our vision is that The Dublin Docklands will become the world’s most connected business and living district.

Its objective is to unite SME’s, residents or local government officials who are facing challenges with technology companies who believe they can solve these challenges. The Smart Docklands initiative connects these groups so that they can come up with innovative solutions, test them and improve them collaboratively.

Smart Docklands showcases what can happen when a unique city district develops the level of sensor density and connectivity to make a significant jump in the quality of life for all the peoples of the area.


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