
Cork City is currently a ‘follower city’ in a Horizon 2020 Smart Cities and Communities project called GrowSmarter, a €25m initiative (lead cities: Stockholm, Cologne, and Barcelona). GrowSmarter establishes three ‘lighthouses’ for smart cities which demonstrate to other cities how they can be prepared in an intelligent way for the energy challenges of the future. As part of this project, Cork will roll out initiatives in transport, energy, and information and communications technology.

As a follower city within Growsmarter, Cork will develop a replication plan and aims to work with Stockholm, Cologne and Barcelona to:

– Encourage sustainable economic development
– Facilitate job creation
– Increase citizen involvement and participation
– Increase resource efficiency
– Improve quality of life and services
– Provide an attractive environment for all

For more information on Cork’s participation in the GrowSmarter project see

In recent months Cork City Council as part of a wider Cork consortium have developed an application for a 2018 Smart Cities and Communities Horizon 2020 call which explores developing an energy positive district in Cork.

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