Dublin Dashboard

The Dublin Dashboard allows users to get detailed and updated information about the city that helps decision making and encourages evidence-informed analysis.

“We created the Dublin dashboard to help citizens access local information, companies looking for business intelligence and formulating policy.” Rob Kitchin, Programmable Cities, Maynooth University

It is a free, interactive portal that gives access to a wide range of datasets, visualisations, analysis tools and apps. Users can:

– Examine how Dublin is performing on different metrics and compared to other cities and regions;
– See how local authorities spend their budget;
– View what is happening with transport and the environment in real-time;
– Interact with maps of the Census, crime, live register, companies, housing, and planning;
– Find close-by city services;
– Report issues in their area;
– Download data to do their own analysis or build apps.

The site was designed so that all available open data about the city, including real-time data, is made available. There are no closed elements and it is very easy to use, no mapping or graphing skills are needed. The underlying data is drawn together from Dublin City Council, Dublinked, Central Statistics Office, Eurostat, and government departments.

The Dublin Dashboard team is currently working on a SFI funded project called Building city dashboards: Addressing fundamental and applied problems (http://dashboards.maynoothuniversity.ie/). Research results will be used to improve the Dublin Dashboard by developing new querying, modelling and prediction/simulation modules and new ways of multimedia interaction, including virtual reality, the projection of data onto architectural models, and converting data into audio-textual forms. This testbed will provide a template to develop, implement and test a Cork Dashboard and influence dashboard development globally.

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