The All Ireland Smart Cities Forum (AISCF) was officially launched on 9th December 2016. Representing the seven cities on the island of Ireland, this cross-border community of practice is focused on the advancement of cities in both Ireland and Northern Ireland through the deployment of, and value creation from, technology enabled urban services.
On Wednesday, the 26th September 2018, the AISCF will hold its Second Annual conference on the theme of “Shaping Smart Cities and Regions: Real World Opportunities and Challenges”. This one-day conference takes place in Croke Park Stadium, Dublin City.
All over the world, rapid urbanisation is putting enormous stress on resources and infrastructure which cannot be solved in a traditional way. The Smart Cities Agenda recognises that our cities and regions grapple with many of the same issues – traffic congestion, air quality, inadequate energy, poor management of the environment, climate change, and data privacy, etc. – there are significant opportunities to share learning. The transition to smart places requires government, citizens, the business community and wider civil society working in synergy so that the effective interplay between policy and innovation meets the needs of our citizens.
If we reflect on the past decade, the way we live, conduct business, and interact and engage with each other has changed dramatically. Yet, we are only at the beginning of a digital change that will transform our societies. Local government has a key role to play in harnessing the smart city opportunity, making cities more liveable and creative, improving services, competitiveness and standards, embracing technology and innovation, maximising the potential of the mountains of data generated, and facilitating a convergence of digital infrastructure with physical development.
This one-day conference is intended to be a space in which experiences can be shared, challenges and opportunities highlighted, innovation explored, and networks generated.
Cost of attendance is €85.
Confirmed speakers to date include representatives from European and Irish smart city programmes, leading thinkers and commentators on smart agendas, and experts in information systems innovation.