Smart People

Staff Training Portal

As in all sectors, a skilled workforce is essential in local government but because of a heavy workload, employees are often time-poor and lacking in opportunity to upskill. To offer assistance in this area, Limerick City and County Council provides a digital portal where Council workers can find training material (text and video) as well as video recordings of presentations on various topics that will help and inform them.

Categories of information/training include CRM, Finance, Human Resources and Records management. The training course catalogue is currently being developed. This portal also offers materials for job application/interview preparation for first time entrants.

The resource is designed to have maximum flexibility so employees can use it when they choose, gain valuable new skills, and feel supported and encouraged in their everyday working environment. Knowledgeable staff working to the best of their ability will mean more productivity and a positive knock-on effect for citizens who access council services.

The portal is also available to the wider public and people that are seeking employment opportunities with the local authority.

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