Galway Dashboard

The Whitaker Institute in NUI Galway produced an industrial baseline study for Galway to support the development of an economic plan for the city and county along with an accompanying website The study was launched during 2015 and offers a snapshot of Galway across a broad spectrum of measures including demographics, enterprise, and the environment, and outlines strengths, opportunities, and recommendations for the continuing economic development of the area across nine industrial sectors.

The Galway Dashboard website was designed and developed as part of this research and it has already undergone significant developments. It is featured on external websites like the IDA, businesses have used it to request, gather and pitch with data about Galway. The Dashboard has, therefore, already encouraged business to Galway and both Councils are looking to see if it can be  developed further to record and display the progress on actions of committees and strategic documents like the Galway City Local Economic & Community Plan (LECP) 2015-2021.

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